5 dress tips you need to know if your wedding is postponed.

Firstly I know how hard the decision to postpone a wedding is, at this stage I've spoken to 100's of my clients so I am aware of everyone's fears and challenges. I thought it might be useful to cover a few of the queries that I'm regularly answering.

1. What do I do about my dress? 

Contact your store/designer as soon as you know that your date is changing even if you don't have a new date. They may be making staffing decisions for the future months and need accurate numbers in order to know how many staff to bring back to work.  

2. What options do I have 're my dress ? 

Your dress will most likely have been made in time for your original wedding date. So you will need to talk to your retailer and find a time to collect your dress.

3. What do I do about my alterations?

My advice is to arrange to try on your dress when you are collecting it from your retailer so you can get a sense of excitement about your new upcoming wedding. It will make it feel more real. It will also give you an idea if you have gained the Covid Stone and now need to get working on this !!

4. Where to keep the dress?

‘Out of sight out of mind’ the last thing you want is to second guess your dress or get tired of looking at it if you are trying it on all the time. Store it safely in a cool dry place until nearer the new wedding date. Even give your dress to your mother or best friend to store it for you.

5. It will happen!

Things are changing and it is a difficult time for everyone but remember, your wedding will happen. It might be a little different than you imagined, it may have changed date or size but it can still be just as special. The day will come again for large wedding parties but in times like these, an intimate wedding with the people closest to you sharing in your love and happiness could be exactly what you need.

Source: https://sharonhoey.com/blog/wedding-dresse...